RENA’s projects and advocacy rest upon an adherence to four core principles: Openness, transparency, responsibility and equilibrium. These values offer guidance when making sense of the results of the recent UK referendum; seeking insights for the future, and to possibly identify patterns to move towards a better one. Some of our members have attempted an initial analysis. Many have felt the need to learn and study more, in so doing they have collected a first set of relevant articles written by scholars and journalists from around Europe and beyond. Here you can find all of these in the hope to offer our friends access to a well built and complete library.
Let us be clear, RENA regards the outcome of the referendum as unfortunate. These days of confusion and lack of leadership add to the the feeling of bewilderment that many of us felt on Friday 24th June 2016. We side with an ever closer union and believe that the EU represents a political construction which is able to deliver peace and well-being to 500 million citizens. We acknowledge its limits and its flaws but we see no alternative. The scale of the social, economical and environmental challenges we face today leaves no room for national narratives outside of a broader framework of solidarity, for which we strongly stand.
That being said, we take the view expressed by the British people as legitimate and something to reflect upon. For this reason we encourage open debate and passionate discussions and we hope that by setting up this library we may help build better informed opinions.
Readers can freely add to the list, suggesting further reading by sending an email to: We will do our best to add them to the library as we receive them.
Davide Rubini
That being said, we take the view expressed by the British people as legitimate and something to reflect upon. For this reason we encourage open debate and passionate discussions and we hope that by setting up this library we may help build better informed opinions.
Readers can freely add to the list, suggesting further reading by sending an email to: We will do our best to add them to the library as we receive them.
Davide Rubini
- Tim Oliver, LSE, LSE blogs I Preparations for a Brexit: views from Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain #political
- Eleonora Poli, Istituto Affari Internazionali, LSE blogs I European views on the UK’s renegotiation: Italy, Poland, Bulgaria and Malta #political
- Neil Irwin, The New York Times I How ‘Brexit’ Will Affect the Global Economy, Now and Later #economic
- Valigia Blu blogI I Il Regno Unito lascia l’Europa. E ora? Tutto quello che c’è sa sapere #news #data
- The Authority of the House of Lords I The process of withdrawing from the European Union #legal
- Laurence Helfer, Opinio Juris I Avoiding a Rush to the Exit – Article 50 and the UK’s Withdrawal from the EU #legal
- Luca Ricolfi, Il Sole 24 Ore I Il popolo è sovrano se vota «come deve» #political
- Alessandro Mario Amoroso, Gli Stati Generali I Abbiamo sbagliato l’analisi su Brexit e giovani, anche loro sono responsabili #political
- Ronen Palan –
- Haroon Siddique, The Guardian I Is the referendum legally binding? #economic #political
- Harriet Agnew, Financial Times I Consultants and lawyers brace for Brexit boom #legal #economic
- Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University, Project Syndicate I Britain’s Democratic failure #political
- Gary Younge, The Guardian I After this vote the UK is diminished, our politics poisoned #political
- Kate McCann – Tom Morgan, The Telegraph I Nigel Farage, £350 million pledge to fund the NHS was a mistake #political
- Alessandro Fusacchia,RENA, Medium blog I Il Referendum degli europei #political
- Brian Fung, The Washington Post I The British are frenetically googling what the EU is, hours after voting to leave it #political
- Ian Johnston, The Independent I Brexit loophole? MPs must still vote in order for Britain to leave the EU, top lawyers say #legal #political
- Jack Grove, Times Higher Education I Fight back against ‘Brexit anti – intellectualism’, says v-c #political
- Jon Henley, The Guardian I Will article 50 ever be triggered? #legal
- Zlata Rodionova, The Independent I Richard Branson, martin Sorrell an Jes Staley react to Brexit with other top business leader #economic
- Ian Wishart – Matthew Campbell, Bloomberg I What now? Brexit win sets stage for two years of bitter talks #economic
- Editorial page, BBC I EU Referendum, The result in maps and chart #data
- Sara Stefanini, Politico I 5 ways Brexit will transform energy and climate #environment
- Mariana Mazzuccato, The Guardian I Austerity is the cause of our economic woes. It’s nothing to do with EU #political
- Editorial page, The Guardian on Tumblr I The 75% #society
- Two ordinary voters, Remainder I An App for heartbroken Remain #society
- FIA, Memorandum I Brexit. What now for the cleared derivatives markets? #economic
- Steve Peers, EU Law Analysis I What next after the UK vote to leave the EU? #legal
- Silvia Profeti, RENA, Next PA blog I Lasci la casa solo quando è casa a scacciarti #political
- Barbara Speed, New Statesman I How did different demographic groups vote in the EU referendum? #data #political #society
- Editorial page, The Economist I The politics of anger #political
- Turkuler Isiksel,The Washington Post I The British people have spoken. But what exactly did they say? #political
- Alessandro Fusacchia,RENA, Medium blog I L’Europa ai tempi supplementari #political
- Owen Jones, The Guardian I Grieve now if you must – but prepare for the great challenges ahead #political
- Alessandro Rosina, Il Mulino I Brexit, un voto contro le giovani generazioni #political
- Richard Bronk, LSE, LSE blogs I Letter to MPs from a Remain voter: a plea for realism, tolerance and honesty #political
- Leo Spitz, University of Chicago, Huffington Post blog I Reform the Referendum: Brexit and the limits of Direct Democracy #political
- Sean J. Miller, Campaigns & Elections I How ‘leave’beat beck a U.s. consultant led effort to remain in the EU #political
- Leonard Besselink, Uk Constitutional Law Association I Beyond notification: how to leave the european union without using article 50 TEU #legal
- Colin Crouch, Pagina 99 I Brexit, la sconfitta del futuro dai lavori del passato #political
- Nesta, Blog I U can’t touch this: the intangible economy and social divides behind Brexit #economic #political
- Ross Douthat, The New York Times I The Mith of Cosmopolitanism #political
- Nick Clegg, The Guardian I Britain must have a general election before activating article 50 #legal
- EU Referendum Analysis 2016
- Jon Stone, The Independent I Second EU Referendum would be possible, former attorney general says #data #legal #political